Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Distant Dream

A dream in emerald meadow lies,

beneath the wild Sumatran skies,

that lights the fire in my eyes,

and leads the way to Paradise.

A thousand stallion black as coal,

crest yonder hill in endless row.

With thund’ring hoof and death in tow,

impale the tranquil morning glow.

A lonely arbor stands in wait,

to save me from my fearful state.

And, as I run with unknown fate,

it plucks me from the earthen slate.

A light within a leafy sea,

reveals an angel watching me.

With song, he sings sweet mysteries,

with lips, a kiss that sets me free....

To dream again the dream that lies,

beneath the wild Sumatran skies,

that fuels the fire in my eyes,

and lights the way to Paradise.

Maybe all creation is both the future and a distant memory. The poem was inspired by the random thoughts of a perfectly imperfect muse. Each word on its own, each idea, singularly held no power, resonated simply without impact. But, together we built a world of stanzas, where solitude and scarcity became partnership and abundance, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, where paradise will be found in the most unassuming, yet most wondrous of all that IS... When the door finally swings open, fully open....we may realize that what we seek is already with us, and the great mystery of life is really only the ability to recognize it.