"Every person is born twice. The second time is when you earn your place among the people forever."
I am about to be reborn. And, I am finally starting to see why I subjected myself to the countless thrashing waves of an angry sea.... for as I stood and breathed on shore, feeding only on the fuel of ignorance and innocence, i could find no steady ground. There would be no rebirth without first a walk through the fire of transformation. So, I chose you to be my destroyer. I knew you would not hold back. You would not wipe away my tears with compassion. You would not hesitate to tear the flesh from my bone, to bleed the body and damn my soul, poisoning my every dying breath. But, now the trials have sounded their end. Rebirth is underway. You fed on my humility. But, it is I who now grows hungry for the wilds that lie ahead. I am not afraid. I will lead if even only one should follow. There is work to do. And, the fire continues to burn, extinguishable not by the fiercest of winds nor driving torrents of rain. This is the new world I have long sought and there will be no looking back.
I am about to be reborn. And, I am finally starting to see why I subjected myself to the countless thrashing waves of an angry sea.... for as I stood and breathed on shore, feeding only on the fuel of ignorance and innocence, i could find no steady ground. There would be no rebirth without first a walk through the fire of transformation. So, I chose you to be my destroyer. I knew you would not hold back. You would not wipe away my tears with compassion. You would not hesitate to tear the flesh from my bone, to bleed the body and damn my soul, poisoning my every dying breath. But, now the trials have sounded their end. Rebirth is underway. You fed on my humility. But, it is I who now grows hungry for the wilds that lie ahead. I am not afraid. I will lead if even only one should follow. There is work to do. And, the fire continues to burn, extinguishable not by the fiercest of winds nor driving torrents of rain. This is the new world I have long sought and there will be no looking back.