Thursday, July 27, 2006

I typed in "Paradise" and "beach" into my google search engine and here's a sample of what came back.

I've not yet travelled to the Carribean. But, I'll buy that image of paradise in a flash. Mind you, I didn't ask for trees. But the tall trunked, broad leaved dance partners are a nice touch. I've always been partial to trees. They have a very unique energy and add character to an otherwise two dimensional land, or in this case seascape. And, how's that for spacing. Perfect hammock width, I'd say. But, I digress. What interested me in the links that came back was the variety of vistas that easily fit into the pool of what can be considered paradise. It made me ponder over all the times I felt lost, or rather found in a perfect moment. On the Pacific Coast highway north of Carlsbad, I stopped to acknowledge a flawless moment. On the hills overlooking Rome at 2am in ealy June....the chills of joy consumed me. But, I don't believe Paradise is reserved for the grandious. Icecream at the foot of royal york easily paints a brush stroke on that warm and fuzzy canvas. So too does CalliopeHill on North Tea Lake, Sandbanks with my dog, the shoreline of Lac Labelle, fireflies on Cyprus Lake, the grotto on Georgian Bay, the Automotive building at Freakin '98, Buena Vista Park in SF, Gerswin on 51st, dawn at 1500ft, the window view on a transatlantic.... It's as though paradise isn't really a place but a feeling, a perspective, a state of being, a whisper of love that amplifies as it washes over you, the wonder in the newly discovered, the realization of dream that supercedes anything previously imagined. I suppose that's why I love to travel, walk new roads, meet new minds, run boldly into the unknown. Because, through all the wasted efforts, and failed attempts, there is the possiblity, dare I say even probability of finding paradise where you least expect it. And, the only thing better than finding Paradise, is sharing it. So, I hope I meet you on a sunlit, sweetly scented day journeying down that treasured path to Shangi-la.

"Somewhere there's a happy ending, where the sand and sky are bending towards the sea of Paradise.
And if I have to spend a lifetime, chasing clouds and sipping sweet wine, is that not the perfect price,
to finally find the perfect moment, finally dream the perfect dream,
finally catch a little piece of heav'n here on earth, to share it with you when we meet."


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