Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A New Beginning

Change can often feel like sudden death and rebirth! It can be destabilizing and intense and wonderful at the same time. It can creep up on you...Sometimes it comes in small doses. And, sometimes it rocks your world. But, at some point...there is the change like no other that propels you somewhere you never imagined...opens the doors on strange new worlds from which it would be near impossible to find your way back. You turn to the past but see nothing familiar. You look to the future and see only your dreams.
There is terminology in meteorology called "point of free convection." It is the point where clouds no longer need support from anything lifting them up to fire into thunderstorms. They start to explode upwards on their own momentum..(because condensation creates heat, heat rises, rising air into colder air produces condensation which creates heat and so on)....It only happens at a certain point of altitude based on air temperature and humidity. But, until they reach that point, they need to be propelled by some external factor.. Before that, they are simply waiting for fate to just give them a push. No matter how intense their desires or dreams...they just drift and float.
I think life works like that sometimes too. You can work incredibly hard....dream incredibly big....but it seems it's up to chance or opportunity or fate to guide you to the door behind which everything ignites. That door opened up for me three years ago September. And, what a wild ride it's been. Sometimes it feels like I died the day I took a chance and walked away from a predictable future. Maybe part of me did. But, as I'm about to rocket forth one more time I wont stop to ask if I am dead or dreaming. I'll just enjoy the Vanilla Skies.
Have a beautiful day!
"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it, boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." Johann Wolfgang van Goethe


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome... And enjoy...

6:32 AM  
Blogger Gus said...

We should all look upon Vanilla Skies other than skies so Blue...

5:57 PM  

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