Thursday, August 03, 2006

The path of least resistance.

In a storm, lightning reaches out with seemingly wild and reckless abandon. But, its course is anything but random. Never will it detour around the simplest path across an electric field from positive to negative charge. So, much of the natural world works that way. Running water passes up the road less travelled for the easy glide on a friction deficient ride. Leaves on trees reach straight for the sun unless external forces intervene. Fire follows fuel. Clouds follow wind. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned in all this. Maybe we complicate things far to much in the thirst to quench our souls. We overlook the wonder only steps away for the expectation that exotic means ever better. We so often throw away the joys we own for the mysterious promise of another. Never allowing yourself to be content may always lead to change. But, when does constant change not just become a circle dance of indecision. I don't say there is anything wrong with challenges and adventures and climbing mountains simply because they're there. But, maybe there's a lesson to be learned in the natural order of things. Try this. Take a day and follow its rhythm..... Wander with the whims of will and see where you end up. You might be surprised how far you go when you allow yourself to walk the spontaneous but surprizingly ordered path of least resistance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

walking blindly always leads to great things...

12:28 PM  

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