Sunday, August 13, 2006

Replay, but Never Repeat!

Ever wonder why even the most amazing songs can become tiresome when played ad nauseam....why a refreshing rain drop to the forehead can become a proven form of torture when repeated again and again...why the most delicious dish can become unpalatable if it is the only course served day after day? I can’t help feeling it’s because of the linear nature of our present lives.... where progress on the journey satisfies...and limbo is as good as hell. The only time the status quo seems acceptable is when a period of stability eventually lends itself to growth. Such a paradox then, by perhaps some inherent misfiring in the very blueprint of our neural pathways, that so many of us circle back to places that offer no nourishment, no growth, no hope. Why do we return to thoughts of ex’s that bled us of our life force? Why do we offer second chances to those who have shown no remorse for their first offense? Why do we repeat the destructive patterns that we recognize in our parents, continuing the cycle of abuse, of drink and drugs, deception, betrayal, negligence, apathy? Perhaps this is the one obstacle along the path of least resistance. A speed-bump that seems insurmountable for some....until finally enough momentum gained from broken hearts and broken dreams, and even broken bones fills this eddy of wasted time and drives the wandering soul forward. "Replay. But, never repeat". That should be a mantra taught to the young while the map to life is clean and simple. Experience. Dream. Fall. Bleed. Laugh. Cry. But, above all learn! No one should be left behind in the patterns of behaviour that seem apparently destructive to everyone but the one circling. "Replay. But, never repeat." Thank god for friends who hear us fall and repeat those words. Thank god for you. And, yes. I have some catching up to do. But, I want to see you there too, past the speed bumps: found again. Miles to go before we sleep. And, there is much work to do...past the past....the wonder of the new.


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