Quest for Greatness...
"Some are born with greatness. Others have greatness thrust upon them." But in the analysis of why some lead and others follow, let us not forget the few who walk the warrior’s path....those courageous souls who search out greatness with out being born into it or having it thrust upon them.
There is a social gravity which seems to want to force everyone into their place....growth at a controlled, manageable pace. Guidelines, limits, boundaries....some common sense, some common courtesy....others just tools of unconscious suppression. For without followers, leaders are weak.... at least the leaders who are born into power, or those who have it thrust upon them.
Then there are the peaceful warriors. Theirs is a greatness of ideals, of philosophy of determination. Theirs is a path divergent from the mainstream, living outside the box, dreaming outside the night, creating outside the machine.
We are the artists, the dreamers, the philosophers. All of us. That moment of idle thought, where eyes drift from the stacks of paper climbing the cubical walls. The smile which owes its life to a different choice. The cheers that roar from crowds not yet gathered. The flash of "what might be" processing in the minds eye.
Why do so few stretch this window of enlightenment into a purpose driven life...? Why do we forget that we are not just here to serve, but to contribute and maybe even inspire? Why do we lose our way in the comfort of routine? Why do we waste so much time and energy on wayward and soul destructive pursuits?
Maybe it’s our concept of time. We wake up with the expectation of what the day ahead will hold...of a "Monday" instead of a "New" day. We thereby live in the past and not in the moment. How is it possible to rise to greatness, if one is barely moving forward. For most, there is no road ahead to navigate..only a cycle repeated.
I wonder if many of our social constructs have doomed the masses to lives of mediocrity. I wonder if that’s why I’ve always rejected the idea of working 9-5....Maybe punching into passion instead of a time clock will save the soul of humanity, creating leaders of us all and real progress on the road to greatness.
There is a social gravity which seems to want to force everyone into their place....growth at a controlled, manageable pace. Guidelines, limits, boundaries....some common sense, some common courtesy....others just tools of unconscious suppression. For without followers, leaders are weak.... at least the leaders who are born into power, or those who have it thrust upon them.
Then there are the peaceful warriors. Theirs is a greatness of ideals, of philosophy of determination. Theirs is a path divergent from the mainstream, living outside the box, dreaming outside the night, creating outside the machine.
We are the artists, the dreamers, the philosophers. All of us. That moment of idle thought, where eyes drift from the stacks of paper climbing the cubical walls. The smile which owes its life to a different choice. The cheers that roar from crowds not yet gathered. The flash of "what might be" processing in the minds eye.
Why do so few stretch this window of enlightenment into a purpose driven life...? Why do we forget that we are not just here to serve, but to contribute and maybe even inspire? Why do we lose our way in the comfort of routine? Why do we waste so much time and energy on wayward and soul destructive pursuits?
Maybe it’s our concept of time. We wake up with the expectation of what the day ahead will hold...of a "Monday" instead of a "New" day. We thereby live in the past and not in the moment. How is it possible to rise to greatness, if one is barely moving forward. For most, there is no road ahead to navigate..only a cycle repeated.
I wonder if many of our social constructs have doomed the masses to lives of mediocrity. I wonder if that’s why I’ve always rejected the idea of working 9-5....Maybe punching into passion instead of a time clock will save the soul of humanity, creating leaders of us all and real progress on the road to greatness.
Why do so few stretch this window of enlightenment into a purpose driven life...? Why do we lose our way in the comfort of routine? Why do we waste so much time and energy on wayward and soul destructive pursuits?
Doesnt the warrior's path end with the goal of comfort? We fight, whether peacefully or not, for that end. Too many outcomes are expected to be comforting. We are programmed to fend off chaos and entropy and thus seek out comfortable patterns, cycles we can become familiar with. What if its all in our evolutionary programming; to seek out discomfort and chaos would cause our own demise. We organize ourselves and make the social limits to bound us into stability, whether mediocre or not.
The deviants, and perhaps the most imaginative, are those who find new patterns out of the chaos. But even they seek comfort. The trick is to find spontaneity in the mundane and that is perhaps how those peaceful warriors proceed in their quiet way.
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