Sunday, December 31, 2006

Worthy of a Wink!

It is almost an outdated gesture in the world of body language these days. The "Wink". Relegated to images of oily car salesmen, grandfathers who have long since forgotten your name and that creepy guy in home room who just wants to get in your pants. Sadly, the sweet and subtle nuance that playfully masks a deeper sentiment has been distorted almost as much as the meaning of the holidays. Get Drunk, buy sh*&^, "tell it like it your face" mirrors the volume of excess and aggression with which we pass from day to day. But, language is limited, so are funds, liver function and audible reach. While it is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, a look can carry universal complexities, summing up an abyss of pain or mountain of joy with apocolyptic intensity.
While I head out tonight for a rendez-vous with friends and fun, drink and delerium on a collision course with 007, I can't help but to take a passing glance in the review mirror. The '06 brought full time, a condo purchase, a kiss good bye to the Vegas virgin, a stand off with death, many lessons in work place politics, financial stress, the opportunity to bring Christmas to a family with nothing, visits from the past and far abroad, reunions, seeing family climb to higher ground, saying good-bye to friends setting sail for distant lands, a revamped designer wardrobe, tears, fights, anger, laughter, peace, self confidence, more dreams.... Here we are, standing at the precipice between the year that's passed and a blank canvas ripe with desire for the first colourful brushstrokes. I can't find the words to close this chapter on the wild romp that will be remembered on the back of photographs as 2006. So, I'll smile, find meaning in the wounds that scarred and offer a "Wink"...closing my eyes on a moment and the door to what was. With an air of grace and gratitude for all the blessings in my life, I'm ready to greet the new chapter with open arms, a D&G suit, Cesar Paciotti shoes and of course a long stem glass of Cristal. Happy New Year. May you find the path to your dreams in the year that lies ahead!


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