Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dark Night of the Soul

"While the term dark night of the soul is used broadly, its general meaning — in the field of higher consciousness — is a lengthy and profound absence of light and hope. In the dark night you feel profoundly alone."

Isolation. Sensory Depravation. Solitary Confinement. Absolute Detachment. Distillation of mind from reason. Separation of soul and sensation. Is it the road to enlightenment or the slippery slope towards insanity? In the darkness, there is no hope. Yet, without the darkness, there is no light. So, a choice made, a journey begun. I have engaged the demons, cold and afraid, slopping though the swampy abyss because the future stretches forth as an undefined and unacceptable shadow of the past. Inspiration, enlightenment is on the other side of an uncomfortable unknown. Courage, faith are my companions. Have I breathed deeply enough to get me through to the next assent above dark waters? Time will tell. The more I push forward, the less I can go back. And yet a vision begins to crystalize in the void. (to be cont.)


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