Monday, September 18, 2006

Repay, and Never Repeat

Hmmmm. Round and round we go! Wouldn't it be nice to just hop off the ride for a while? But, that is neither practical nor possible. So. On we go! Two steps forward, on step back. Mild progress. I'm back on the morning show. Everything about it is better except for the hours and the slightly lower ratings. I can handle the "fewer eyeballs". But, the hours. Well, that takes a bit more planning. To nap or not to nap. In the past, not napping left my just a little bit irritable. So, I'll give it a go. Nothing after noon. But, if I’m home before, why not? I'll be soo happy when October arrives. This has been one of the more frustrating, stressful months of my life. there have been some great moments, don't get me wrong. But, the worry and near financial ruin cause by the near death experience of a partner is not something easily taken in stride. Top that off with the shake-ups and sour morale at work and you start to get a sense of the energy of late. I have one more big, and I mean big chunk of change to throw at my "yet to exist" condo. Then I can start to breath again...sort of. Most of what I've spent is borrowed money. But, a little reprieve from the money collectors means all will be a little more manageable. So here I am, facing another round of uncomfortable patterns. Spending money that isn't mine and paying the price with bill time headaches. What's the answer? Perhaps, this time it's REPAY and never repeat! It's going to be one heck of a mountain to climb. but, at least I’m getting used to living paycheck to paycheck. That attitude should pay off in spades a year from now, lord willing. I think goals are key. Keep on the path no matter what life throws at you. Get the papers, keep climbing, keep building til I have the penthouse, the roadster, the beach house, the name on the marquee. If I have to roll ahead in circles, the final curve WILL be well ahead of where the round trip began. That may mean filling leaks in budgetary spending. That may mean closing doors on a few people and things that drain my inventory of energy and cash. So be it. There are no guarantees in life. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. But, when the machine that drives your day becomes a road hazard, strip off the plates and walk a while...till you can afford the glove fit formula one, that will get you to your finish line with time to enjoy the spoils.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You haven't posted in a little while. Hopefully you are taking that well deserved nap after the hectic September month... I know I am trying to squeeze in a good nights sleep here and there.

It's hard to see the outcome sometimes... but know there is one... and it is great!

2:20 PM  

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